Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Infographics have recently become very popular with news media, big business, and educators.  They are very effective as a tool for communicating ideas and displaying large amounts of information relatively quickly.  Infographics combine text, graphics, and images together in a way that is aesthetically appealing and engaging to the viewer.  

Below is an example of a typical infographic.  Click on the image to examine a larger version:

The video playlist embedded below gives a brief overview of infographics: 


1.  Read the articles linked below as an introduction to creating infographics:
2.  Select one of the 10 tools listed in the articles, and create an infographic about your survey results.   
  • Include pictures, graphs, and charts in the infographic, as well as written descriptions of your survey results. 
  •  The graphics and charts for your survey data are available in the form you used to create your survey (in your Google Drive, under survey responses). 

3. Embed the infographic on your website (place it on your "Infographic" page).

4. Post the link to your website's "Infographic" page in a comment below.

  • Make sure your comment is "Public" before you post.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

66 Ways to Protect your Privacy

'via Blog this'

After reading the article linked above, answer the following questions in a comment below:

1.  How is this information useful?

2.  What have you already been doing to protect your privacy?

3.  Which ones off the list will you start implementing, now that you know more about them?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Wikipedia as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica

"Wikipedia is about as good a source of accurate information as Britannica, the venerable standard-bearer of facts about the world around us, according to a study published this week in the journal Nature."



Read the article linked above.  Answer the following questions in a comment below.  

  1. Does this study change your opinion of Wikipedia as a source?  Why or why not?
  2. Notice the year that the article on the study (above) was published; do you think Wikipedia has become more or less accurate since then?  Why?
  3. Summarize what Wikipedia says about itself in terms of reliability:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reliability_of_Wikipedia

Do not repeat what others have already said.  Contribute your own relevant, unique viewpoint.