Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are you digitally distracted?

Are you digitally distracted?  

Is there such a thing as too much technology?  Or is it more a problem of focusing on the right technology and avoiding distractions?  Is digital distraction a problem for today's students?  Why, or why not?


  1. Yes. focusing on the right technology and avoiding distractions.Yes because it we can get on games and other stuff and not do our work in the classroom.

  2. I think there is a thing as too much technology because some technology can be dangerous. People do need to focus in the right technology and avoid other distractions. Yes, digital distraction is a little problem because students can get distracted on their cell phones.

  3. To me, I say no, because for me I need a lot of technology around me to really concentrate. Like while I'm doing something like homework or assignments,I use more technology to listen to music and other things like Facebook or g mail, and it actually helps me concentrate. I don't think it's a problem if you know how much technology at once your able to control yourself under.

  4. no there is not too much technology at this moment but,it may have some distractions and there could be too much technology that is dangerous. I believe we need to focus on how to get the tech to work right for are safety. Digital distractions are bad for some students because they only keep their mind on that thing which could infer with the focus on school work

  5. There isn't a thing as to much technology. We do have trouble focusing on the right type of technology though. It is a problem for today's students because there is some much technology we can get distracted from the tasks we are suppose to be doing.

  6. I don't think we could have too much technology, but some technology could be distracting when you need to be focused on something. I would say that some digital distractions are tv, cell phones, and even things like facebook, twitter, and youtube.

  7. i don't think it is a distraction. unless students are always on games like me.

  8. sometimes because it is hard to focuse on our work and we do have to focuse on the right technology

  9. yes i am because im addicted to my phone

    1. You're probably not the only one that has that problem...

  10. I don't think you could ever have too much technology. Technology is an important aspect of our lives. Some technology could distract you if you're supposed to be focused on something, though. I think some technology, such as cell phones, are digital distractions. If a student is more worried about replying to a text message than doing an assignment, then their cell phone is a digital distraction.

    1. Good point. We see that in second period with some folks...

  11. I think it is not to much technology because i think some people can't live without technology. And i think if it wasn't for technology people won't be able to do a lot of things like call, text,look up information on the computer, and more. i think sometimes it can be distraction because people lose focus on what they are doing. And you can lose focus if you have a phone and you are doing your homework you can be distracted from your phone.

  12. I, myself, do not belief that there is no such thing as "too much technology." I do belief that we should focus more on the right technology than create what is already created. I do and do not think that digital distraction is a problem for today's students. Students have more access to more information to look at for their reports.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. i think you could ever have too much technology.because it is hard to focuse on our work and we do have to focuse on the right technology
