Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shop windows capture your attention via subtle sound



  1. I think that people who had subtle sound in there shops and stores just wanted to draw people attention to come in the store and shop or just come in to look around and maybe buy some.

  2. This article is about music in stores and how it affects shopping. One thing i found interesting was that the article stated that it was possible the sound attracts shoppers to come and buy things in their stores.

  3. I think that when shops use sound in their shops it draws you to the store if it is music that interest you. Then, after you are drawn to the music it makes you want to go inside and look around. Most likely if you go inside, you are going to find something you want and buy it. So, this is just a way to bring you into their store so they can make money.

  4. I believe that stores that play music in their store not just to gain customers. I believe rather to make the shopping experience more pleasant and not so dull and boring.

  5. I think this is very cool, but not all that important. Maybe for the store owners and other people it is, but not to me.

  6. I believe that stores that play music in their store not just to gain customers. I believe rather to make the shopping experience more pleasant and not so dull and boring. And makes people think they got nice stuff in the by the music they play

  7. Any store that is playing music is automatically going to draw attention to their merchandise. Once you've notice it, you want to go in. Especially if the music is newer pop music, or seems interesting. It's just another way they can make money.

  8. I think that if a store plays music it makes you feel more comfortable in the store. And, if you are outside the store when you here the music, it may draw you into the store. I believe this is a great way for a store to make more money.

  9. I think that any store with "Whispering Windows" would draw anyone's attention in today's society. The society of today mostly uses technology, so the windows of course would feed off of anyone's interests.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I think that if the store is playing music than it is going to draw attention and it is going to make people want to go in and see what is inside.

  12. I think that the name of the window would get any person out there to go check it out. People in today's society are gullible.

  13. This seems like a very effective marketing strategy for any company with displays, but the idea seems a bit strange. Just knowing that somewhere they may be some incredibly small voice trying to convince me to buy something as I walk past a store is a little disconcerting.

  14. i think people play music to lure customers in and make their shopping experience less plain.

  15. I think it is okay for stores to play music. It makes it more pleasurable to shop.

  16. The idea is weird, but cool. It would lure people into a business and check it out.

  17. Using music and other interesting sounds can actually help to increase the number of costumers coming and going. Music draws the attention of a costumer and you can use a certain kind of music to draw the attention of a certain crowd/group of people that can be drawn in and get the highest profit off of.

  18. I found the windows, created by the company FeONIC, extremely interesting. These windows become surface transducers which set out vibrations about the width of a human hair. The window then becomes a vibrating speaker that catches your eye.

  19. This is a good idea. If someone hears a song they like, the might stop and listen to it. If they stop in front of the store, they will more than likely go inside and by something. This could be really helpful to companies.

  20. i think that it is a good idea for catching the attention of potential customers. It is very creative.

    luke lay

  21. Any store that is playing music is automatically going to draw attention to their merchandise. Once you've notice it, you want to go in. Especially if the music is newer pop music, or seems interesting. It's just another way they can make money.

  22. Music i think relates to most people. Such as like happy music might put people in a happier mood hence they buy more. But i also think music does attract people. So this is a very smart idea that will help sell more stuff.

  23. This is a good idea for advertising in a busy place because if your walking somewhere and see a bunch of stores you would have to sit and think about where you going but if you hear music you like coming from a store you would be attracted to it automatically.

  24. Using music and other interesting sounds can actually help to increase the number of costumers coming and going.

  25. I think it is a good idea so that people will enjoy shopping in the store.And people will be more attracted to coming into the store.

  26. This seems like a very effective marketing strategy for any company with displays, but the idea seems a bit strange.And people will be more attracted to coming into the store.

  27. They idea seems ridiculous in my opinion but the name of it seems cool and will make people go check it out.But it is a good idea for advertising things.

  28. A store that is playing music is going to draw attention to their sells. Once you've notice it you want to go in. It's just another way they can make money.

  29. This article is about music in stores and how it affects shopping. One thing i found interesting was that the article stated that it was possible the sound attracts shoppers to come and buy things in their stores.

  30. Any store that is playing music is automatically going to draw attention to their merchandise. Once you've notice it, you want to go in. Especially if the music is newer pop music, or seems interesting. It's just another way they can make money.

    If a store is playing music then of corse it is going to bring i alot of attention to their store. If you notice the music playing then you are going to want to know more about it especially if it is Newer.

  31. If they play music i think it will bring attention to alot of people and they are going to go in there and see.

  32. When they play music it will attract a lot of people to the store. It'll make people go and see what the store is.

  33. Using the windows to make profit is a good idea but what if people just stop to listen to the music and not go in the store? It's distracting but I don't think it will help with profit.

  34. Its good because the more sounds would attract more costumers to the store.

  35. It seems like a pretty good idea, but it has its flaws. It seems like it could be quite distracting though and take attention away from what the store is actually selling.

  36. This is a great idea for the store but not necessarily for the customer. I'm pretty sure using near invisible sound waves to lure people into buying something can be classified under subliminal messaging.

  37. It depends on what music the store is playing.

  38. I think it would do well attracting customers to the store, but it may not necessarily improve business. People might just come in for the music.

  39. It would bring more customers to the stores but some people might come there just to hear the music.

  40. The sound you hear when you walk through the door automatically distracts you from what you came to do. The music does help keep you inside the store but you can get carried away and forgot to buy what you came to buy.

  41. When a store is playing good/popular music, teens are automatically drawn into the store. But it could also annoy people and make them not want to go in.

  42. If the store plays good music then it will attract more customers. More customers means more profit more profit means more money and more money means pay-day.

  43. People love music i think its a great idea and would attract a lot of potential customers

  44. everyone loves music i would be a great idea

  45. Music is only going to increase customers. If you play music, especially if the music is new, it will attract more customers. Music is the key to a successful business, in my opinion.

  46. Seems like a good way to draw people into stores just put on the music that everybody likes and let them look around to see what they are interested in.

  47. i think that stores that play music outside of them will have more business and that the music will draw more attention to the store more than it will to stores that do not play music outside.people are more drawn to things that they hear and see that they are to just plain things.

  48. I think this is very interesting and a very very very early form of technology.

  49. This invention will attract shoppers in a whole different way offering sound to your window shopping. I like it lot and can also influence on some people what store your buy your things from.

  50. I think that it would be good if they had people do that again.

  51. This is a good idea because if someone hears a song they like, the will probably stop and listen to it. If they stop in front of the store, they will more than likely go inside and buy something. This could be really helpful to stores who do not have as much business as their competitors.

  52. This an interesting way to attract costumers. Instead of having people shout about your products, you could have music playing to lure them.

  53. I totally believe in this because science obviously shows it. As well as knowing if a window spoke to me it would get my attention.

  54. I think that if a store has music and its something you would like then you would either think oh I like this song and this might be something I might be interested in or might have my kind of stuff I like.

  55. Nowadays stores have sound inside their stores. People are drawn to come inside for the music and probably buy something from the store.

  56. I think the idea is pretty good, but it just doesn't seem to me like it could attract that much attention to a display window. It seems like the whole thing would be very hard to test to see if it actually works. How would you know whether a shopper is actually walking into the store because of the music? If it doesn't actually work it seems to me like it would just be a big waste of money to by store windows that have those glass-mounted surface transducers put into a store window.

  57. Having these windows in your store will help lure costumers into a store then you will make money from almost all the costumers. The windows could attract people who aren't shopping to come in and look around and they might want to come back and buy what they were looking at.

  58. These kinds of windows can get more customers to come to stores and the owners could earn lots of money this way. People that are not intending to stop by the stores would want to come and buy things.

  59. i think that using that type of advertisement is cool and maybe very useful in the future.

  60. i think that cooler windows would bring better business to the store with the cool window

  61. To have these windows makes business better. Because people like music and if they hear it they wanna listen to it. Then they will go in the store and might find something and wanna buy it. They will make money buy doing stuff like this all the time.. instead of just a plane non-music store.

  62. I think more people would come in the store because it will make them happy and in a good mood and they would buy more

  63. using sounds and music to advertise is a good idea to do and should be used more often.

  64. I think this idea is a great way to attract costumers to a store. Personally i myself would be more likely to go into a store who was playing the music i liked. I think this would help the stores income a lot.

  65. If something lifts sales 50% it must be working and they got it from the army which is also pretty cool.I think that it is a good idea using the window and everyone loves music so it brings them in.

  66. All stores that play music draw attention to the costumes, more likely if the music is up to date. It makes the costumes want to come in once they hear what they like. Therefore, it draws attention to their merchandise, if you like the music. But if you don't like the type of music the store is playing, it distracts you from wanting to buy anything in that certain store, which loses some of their business.

  67. I think the way media fools with your brain is bad. But, music does influence what we do. Its just the way things are.

  68. I think its interesting how something little as playing music can change your decision in buying something or even entering that store, but its true. Personally, if I am walking through the mall and hear good music I am drawn to go see where its coming from, then usually I see something I like. I'm pretty sure that's how it works for many people. I think its a very good idea to play music for your store.

  69. I think it is something that will interest people and make people want to come in you store.

  70. I think this idea is GREAT because it will make people shopping not so boring and lame! When I'm shopping i always listen to the music that's playing and I usually can relate to it.

  71. Yes I believe music can effect the things people will buy. Since people are attracted to certain types of music it might also effect what they want from the store that the music is coming from. But I still don't think this will too beneficial.

  72. I think that its good to listen to music because it make people want to buy it.So I think more people will come to your store to buy music and listen to it.

  73. What I like about this article is the fact that there are speakers so small that can produce a sound large to catch someones attention. The only thing I am thinking is how can it really move people into stores to buy there apparel or products? It just seems so odd.

  74. to me music is an inspiratiopn and helps me to focus better and do things at a fast paste so if people were to see if music helped you do things i bet 75 percent will say music does help and 25 say it doesnt or that it doesnt make a diffrence

  75. well, turning glass into a makeshift speaker is pretty spectacular, though the thought of that innovation being used to advertise clothes to me is annoying.

  76. I think the idea of "whispering windows" is kind of nice! It draws attention to customers and sometimes also lures them in to by products from they're store.
